Reverend Jeremy Brown-Gusset's Orphanage

Dear Sir,

This is a proposal in context but actually an appeal soliciting for your unreserved assistance in consummating an urgent transaction requiring maximum confidence. Though this approach appears desperate, I can assure you that whatever questions you would need to ask or any other thing you will need to know regarding this proposal will be adequately answered to give you a clearer understanding of it, so as to arrive at a successful conclusion........

********************** Reams of Bollocks Removed *************************

Dear Gabriel,

I am honoured that you chose me to help with your transaction. Please be assured of my 100% risk free nature, as I am a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, our saviour (Hallowed be his name). Our arrangements will be known only between the two of us, and the only begotten Son of the Lord. I am sure He will watch over us as we go about this business.

I have enclosed a copy of my European Identity Card, as you requested my details. Please provide me with details to help me understand the transaction.

Yours in God

Rev. Jeremy Brown-Gusset +

Dear friend,

I must appreciate your acceptance of my proposal and for giving it a serious attention. No doubt, you have made an informed decision with the information available to you and without having second thoughts about the wisdom of your decision.

I know very well what you can say by reading this letter: you think, one more time, that all this is yet only one dream and that nothing good will occur at the end. No, there is going to be a significant achievement at the end and for our goal to be achieved, you need to act immediately on any instruction I may give you.

Dreams, so they say, are for the fools and the let them drift away. Peace, like the silent dove,should be flying, but it's only just bejun. Like Columbus in the olden days, we must gather all our courage... sail our ship out on the open seas, cast away our fears, and all the years will come and go and take us up, always up. We may never pass this way again, so you have to take this opportunity and forget about any fear and doubt.

Yes,if you truly wish your life to change,have faith in yourself and in me with God all things are possible, By His grace you will live a life that is different from your current one, it is now that you must act, now and not later. This is why I'm telling you that you must follow this with single minded devotion and not allow anything and anybody to distract you from this transaction.
Remember, a few men build the cities-the rest live in them. A few men project subways - others ride in them. A few men build skyscrappers and factories and the rest toil in them. The opportunity has come to make life obey you, not you it. The rest are dependent upon you.

As you may be aware, the consignments have arrived Spain and we have less than a month to claim the boxes. Consequently, all the documents will be sent to you by fax. Therefore, I want you to provide your name, privete telephone and fax. Lest I forget, I must implore you to exercise the most ultmost indulgence to keep this matter extraordinarily confidential.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best wishes for this venture.


Dear Gabriel,

Thank you for the kind words in your last mail, when you wrote “Dreams, so they say, are for the fools and the let them drift away. Peace, like the silent dove,should be flying, but it's only just begun” which is one of my favourite psalms.

I am a man of God, and have devoted the last 40 years of my life to running an orphanage for disabled children. We are facing closure because we are running out of money, we have enough for another year, but then what? Our bank account has £60,000 in it, which will pay the rent and the bills for the converted barn we live in. If we can get this plan of your to work, I shall be able to keep the orphanage running long after my death! Oh sing Hosanna!

How amazing that such good news should be brought to me by an angel called Gabriel! My prayers are with you, brother Gabriel.

All my love, and the unconditional love of Christ

Rev Jeremy Brown-Gusset

p.s. Here is a picture of the orphanage, the white stuff on the ground is snow, do you have snow in Africa? Do you think there will be snow in Africa this Christmas?

